Google holds the largest share in global online searches. According to the latest report dated February 2018, Google had 62.6% of online searches share worldwide. This makes Google Adwords the primary source of paid advertising for almost all the internet users.
If used wisely, a business or an individual can gain lot of attention within just a click. The potential reach of email campaigns is far wider than social networking or other forms of advertising. 90% of adults and 74% of teenagers still use email regularly
“Content is King!” Indeed, content has the prime place in the entire digital landscape. A good copy can get your lots of visitors, while a bad one can ruin your reputation forever.
Over 5 billion searches are made on Google every day. One simplest way to stand out among your competitor is to own Google local listing or Google My Business. It can make your enterprise more visible to your potential customers
Usability and Aesthetics goes hand in hand. Aesthetics helps in appealing the customer and user experience will help retain them for a longer period of time.
E-commerce facilitates easy buying or shopping through the means of a website. The payment and shipp
Facebook made a drastic change in its news feed policy in January 2018. The updated news feed is likely to show more relevant posts from friends, family and others
Digital Marketing describes overall marketing through every online channel and medium with the sole purpose of promoting the product or business for the growth of sales or revenue
CRM is basically an automated software which helps to ease any business’s need for data compilation, customer retention and growth of sales.
Emojis are digital images or icons internet users use to express their emotions in electronic communication. The word comes from Japanese language where e means picture and moji means character or letter. Emoticons on the other hand are typographic where punctuation marks, numbers and letters are used to show the human expressions.